Эндрю Шон Грир цитаты из книг

добавила цитату22 мая 2022 12:33

“It’s true things can go on till you die. And people use the same old table, even though it’s falling apart and it’s been repaired and repaired, just because it was their grandmother’s. That’s how towns become ghost towns.
It’s how houses become junk stores. And I think it’s how people get old.”

Andrew Sean Greer
добавила цитату22 мая 2022 12:32

Two boys, arms around each other. To Less, it seems so foreign. In his world, he never sees straight men doing this. Just as a gay couple cannot walk hand in hand down the streets of Marrakech, two men, best friends, cannot walk hand in hand down the streets of Chicago. They cannot sit on a dune like these teenagers and watch a sunset in each other’s embrace. This Tom Sawyer love for Huck Finn.

Andrew Sean Greer
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