Джозеф Максвелл Кутзее цитаты из книг - страница 5

добавила цитату4 июня 2016 18:30
добавила цитату4 июня 2016 18:26

Why did you not thank her? Was it because you paid her, and if you pay you don't need to say thank you? Your rugby player had enough love for two.Do you really think love can be measured? That the other party is permitted to come empty-handed, empty-hearted?Thank you, Marijana for letting me love you, for letting me love your children, for letting me give you my money. Are you really such a dummy?

добавила цитату4 июня 2016 14:35
добавила цитату4 июня 2016 14:34

«Who is Marijana? A nurse from Dubrovnik with a short waist and yellow teeth and not bad legs. Who except he, with the gaze of love, sees the shy, sloe-eyed gazelle hiding within?»

добавила цитату4 июня 2016 14:28

«I am not dithering, at least not in my own eyes. I am acting at a pace that comes naturally to me. I am not an exceptional person, Mrs Costello, and I cannot make myself exceptional just for your sake. I am sorry.»

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добавила цитату4 июня 2016 14:06

«I urge you: don't cut short these thought-trains of yours. Follow them through to their end. Your thoughts and your feelings. Follow them through and you will grow with them»

добавила цитату4 июня 2016 1:33

«It does not have to be this way, Paul. I say it again: this is your story, not mine. The moment you decide to take charge, I will fade away. You will hear no more from me; it will be as if I had never existed. That promise extends to your new friend Marianna as well. I will retire; you and she will be free to work out your respective salvations.»

добавила цитату4 июня 2016 1:17

«Giving always bucks him up, he knows that about himself. Spurs him to give more. Like gambling. The thrill all in the losing. Loss upon loss. The reckless, heedless falling"

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